
7 unusual facts about Gordon Ramsay

Anandita Dutta Tamuly

On Thursday night, April 9, 2009, Anandita performed her feat at the district library auditorium, Jorhat before hundreds of people for a Channel 4 programme on global food being anchored by celebrity British chef Gordon Ramsay.

BBC Canada

In the early 2010s, the channel began airing American series featuring British personalities, such as the American version of the Gordon Ramsay program Kitchen Nightmares (it has also in the past carried the British Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares), and repeat airings of the American dramas House and Elementary (each of which has a British actor in the lead role).

Dale MacKay

In the early 2000s, he moved to London, England, where he got a job at Gordon Ramsay's Claridge's, later moving to other Ramsay restaurants in London, Tokyo and New York City.

Gary Love

His father owned a restaurant that was featured on Gordon Ramsay's TV programme Kitchen Nightmares.

Guilty Until Proven Insane

The sixth track in the album, "Hotel Hell", is currently being used on the FOX reality series Hotel Hell starring Gordon Ramsay.

Masterchef South Africa

The off-site team challenge involves the contestants being split into two teams, blue and red, which consist of equal numbers and are given a task, for example, running a restaurant or catering for a party or wedding (similar to Gordon Ramsay's other series, Hell's Kitchen).

Patricia Llewellyn

Her recent credits include Heston's Feast for chef Heston Blumenthal (winner of Royal Television Society Award for Best Features Programme in 2008), and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (winner of BAFTA for Best Features programme in both 2004 and 2007, an International Emmy for Best Non Scripted Entertainment Programme in 2006 and the Grierson Award for Most Entertaining Documentary also in 2006) plus long running food magazine series The F Word for chef, Gordon Ramsay.

Caterer and Hotelkeeper

The Cateys have in the past honoured industry personalities including Gordon Ramsay, Albert Roux, Michel Roux, Marco Pierre White and Heston Blumenthal.

Eyvind Hellstrøm

An author of several books, including Inn med sølvskje with Anne-Kat. Hærland, Hellstrøm also hostes the Norwegian TV3 television show Hellstrøm rydder opp, broadcast in 2008, 2009 and 2010, a Norwegian version of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.

see also