
unusual facts about Gorillas

Amy Vedder

In 1978 she arrived in Rwanda with her husband, William Weber, to study gorillas at Karisoke, the research station run by Dian Fossey.


These CDs were, in the early days, whimsically titled using punning references to various movies but with a coding twist; for example, "The Hexorcist" (The Exorcist), "Lord of the Files" (Lord of the Flies), "Gorillas in the Disc" (Gorillas in the Mist), etc.

Cross River National Park

The primary base for gorillas is Mbe mountain, with a population of 30-40 individuals, not yet incorporated in the park.

Gorilla City

The intelligent Gorillas in this story came from a "two mooned world" that Congo Bill assumed to be Mars.

Gymea Gorillas

The Gymea Gorillas club currently fields teams from Under 6 age groups all the way up to A Grade and has produced several international players including former Australian captain Greg Pierce.

Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

Grytpype sometimes offers Neddie things instead of cigarettes, such as gorillas or pictures of Queen Victoria.


International Gorilla Conservation Programme, formed in 1991 to ensure that the critically endangered mountain gorillas are conserved

Jim Rapsas

He is also credited as writer and executive producer on the 2007 Animal Planet special Saving a Species: Gorillas at Risk hosted by actress Natalie Portman.

Joan Root

The Roots introduced Dian Fossey to the gorillas she would later die trying to save, took Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis over Kenya in their balloon, and covered much of Africa in their famous single-engine Cessna, their amphibious car, and their balloon, at one time equipped with a raft for water landings.

Nicholas Humphrey

He studied mountain gorillas with Dian Fossey in Rwanda, he was the first to demonstrate the existence of "blindsight" after brain damage in monkeys, he proposed the celebrated theory of the “social function of intellect” and he is the only scientist ever to edit the literary journal Granta.


In the 1950s, Swiss paleontologist Johannes Hürzeler discovered a complete skeleton in Baccinello and claimed it was a true hominid — based on its short jaws and reduced canines, at the time considered diagnostic of the hominid family — and a biped — since the short pelvis was closer to those of hominids than those of chimpanzees and gorillas.


These were "Nibbles", a variant of the Snake game; "Gorillas", an Artillery game; "MONEY MANAGER", a personal finance manager; and "RemLine", a GW-BASIC code line-number-removing program.

Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy

Also in the Disney-produced film "George of the Jungle", during the wedding, Ursula's mother—pouting over multiple appearances of gorillas—complained to her husband, "Arthur, I wish you could do something about these monkeys. I feel like Jane Goodall".


But it couldn't get away with it, for shortly after, it was attacked by Jambavan, described as king of the 'bears' or 'gorillas' according to different scriptures, who killed it after a fierce fight and took off with the booty.

Woodland Park Zoo

Anthropologist Dawn Prince-Hughes spent many years working at Woodland Park Zoo and observing the Western Lowland Gorillas there, which she wrote about in her book Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey Through Autism.

see also