Under Dona Gracia, the House of Mendes dealt with King Henry II of France, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, his sister Mary, Governess of the Low Countries, Popes Paul III and Paul IV, and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
Once in Antwerp, Dona Gracia and her staff gave them instructions and the money to travel by cart and foot over the Alps to the great port city of Venice, where arrangements were made to transport them by ship to the Ottoman Empire Greece and Turkey in the East.
Even so, many died on the way as they traversed the mountain paths of the high Alps.
Sam Mendes | Sérgio Mendes | Catulle Mendès | Gràcia | Eva Mendes | 2013 Gracia-Orlová | 2012 Gracia-Orlová | Junior Mendes | Hosokawa Gracia | Gracia Baur | Gracia | Sergio Mendes | ''Quatre de vuit'' of the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia | Pierre Mendès France | Nasi Lemak 2.0 | Nasi lemak | nasi lemak | Nasi | Mendes | Luís Marques Mendes | Jorge J. E. Gracia | Gilberto Mendes | Frederick de Sola Mendes | Francisco Mendes International Airport | Fernando Mendes | Dedication of ''Dionysos-Dithyramben'' to Catulle Mendès | Bete Mendes | Benjamin Mendes da Costa | António Mendes Correia | Aned Y. Muñiz Gracia |