Before Davis ultimately moved to Germany, where he has resided ever since, he and Wheatley recorded material together, along with Rob Townsend from Family, keyboard player Billy Livsey and the horn section from The Rumour.
Davis had sung on Jesus Christ Superstar, which Tim Rice got him involved as a session man.
Amir is best known for his art works "The Blue Symphony" The concept is completed only by the words of the Basmala: 'In the Name of God the most Gracious the most merciful' بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم and no other words or additional lines, and contains no broken or uncompleted words.
Frederick's gracious return to captivity inspired Friedrich Schiller to write his poem Deutsche Treue ("German Loyalty") and Uhland to his tragedy Ludwig der Bayer ("Louis the Bavarian").
The location of her death makes it certain that Henry Glapthorne is the "one Glapthorne, who lived in Fetter Lane", that on 12 January 1643 was identified to the House of Lords as the author of the tract His Maiesties Gracious Answer to The Message sent from the Honourable Citie of London, concerning Peace (1643).
The Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a frequent critic of the church hierarchy, indicates that he fits the mold of a “smiling conservative” in the vein of New York’s Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, who is “very gracious but still holds the same positions” as a more pugnacious cleric like Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who has not hesitated to call out Catholic politicians who dissent from church teachings on abortion.
As Yasmin's previous films, Muallaf opened with the usual Islamic verse "In the name of God, the most Gracious and most Merciful" (Bismillahirahmanirrahim).
They wear traditional Scottish military dress, which the Bands recently purchased for $250,000 with the gracious financial assistance of many donors, most notably the Alma Mater Society of Queen's and former Principal Bill Leggett.
An application was sent to Queen Victoria at Balmoral for Her Gracious Majesty's permission, which was duly granted.
The full title of the Susuhunan in Javanese is Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana Senapati ing Alaga Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panatagama (His Exalted Majesty, The Susuhunan, King Paku Buwana, Commander-in-chief in war, Servant of the Most Gracious, Caliph who safeguards the Religion)
A railroad official chose the name Tokio, based on the local Dakota Indian word to-ki, or "gracious gift."
Julia Moon herself is a lovely ballerina, a modest and gracious woman of 37, who seems overawed by her dual responsibilities as ballerina-in-chief and general director.