
unusual facts about Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani

Akhbar Al Khaleej

With its Arab nationalist stance, the newspaper has led condemnation of the United States’ invasion of Iraq, and has been particularly critical of those Iraqis who have cooperated with the American backed political order: Samira Rajab in 2005 dismissed Iraqi Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani as an ‘American general’.

Ali al-Sistani

While presenting Bela Hodod (a.k.a. "Without Borders"), Mansour voiced skepticism of Sistani's leadership credentials while directing questions about the Iranian-born cleric to his guest, Shia cleric Jawad al-Khalsi.

Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists

According to one of the leading Ayatollahs, Sayyid Ali Husaini al-Sistani, Guardianship of the Juristsmeans every jurisprudent (Faqih) has wilayah (guardianship) over non-litigious affairs.

International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned the cartoons but also commented about militants who discredit Islam by their acts.

Khash, Iran

The overwhelming majority of the city's inhabitants are ethnic Baloch who speak the Balochi language, and Persians who speak a variant of the Persian language known as Sistani or Seistani which is very similar to Dari, also known as Afghan Persian.


Kiazai clans in Iran include Lar Muhammad Hasni, Sistani Muhammad Hasni, Baloch Muhammad Hasni, Kurd Muhammad Hasni and Brahui Muhammad Hasni.

Mahdi Army

The standoff did not end for three weeks until Sistani emerged from convalescence in London and brokered an agreement between the two forces.

Sistan and Baluchestan Province

Ayatollah Sistani is also from Sistān; though he currently resides in Najaf, Iraq .

see also