In a series of television commercials first aired in the 1960s, the company's spokesperson, who self-identified as "Granny Goose", was portrayed by actor Philip Carey as a tough James Bond-style spy.
Carey became well known for a series of tongue-in-cheek television commercials for Granny Goose potato chips, in which he self-identified as "Granny Goose", portraying the company's spokesperson as a tough cowboy.
Goose | Mother Goose | Goose Green | Canada Goose | goose | CFB Goose Bay | Goose Bay | Greylag Goose | Greater White-fronted Goose | Swan Goose | Father Goose: His Book | Egyptian Goose | What's Good for the Goose | Barnacle Goose | The Goose | Taverner's Canada Goose | Pilgrim Goose | Granny (Looney Tunes) | Granny Goodness | Granny | Goose (band) | Father Goose | Emperor Goose | Brant Goose | XSM-73 Goose | Tugboat Granny | The Goose Woman | The Goose Girl | Snow Goose | Happy Valley-Goose Bay |
Also, many long-time industrial jobs in the area disappeared as the economy changed and factories along the Southern Pacific railroad tracks shut down, most notably regional facilities for Granny Goose, a regional snack foods brand, and Gerber.
Dubbed "Baby Shaq" in the Philippine Basketball League where he played for the Granny Goose team because of his physical resemblance to the Boston Celtics center Shaquille O'Neal.