While the humble cock is being sacrificed, they turn, like the women in the Ion of Euripides, to admire the works of art; among them a small boy strangling a vulpanser – doubtless the work of Boethus that we know and a sacrificial procession by Apelles, "the Ephesian," of whom we have an interesting piece of contemporary eulogy.
Many rare trees (remnants of a botanic garden) and animals such as mallards, moorhens, coots, and even Egyptian geese and rose-ringed parakeets thrive in this urban environment.
The call of these frog is a series of harsh nasal kwe-kwe or wah-wah-wah clucks, repeated at the rate of two per second, much like the quacking of the Egyptian Goose.
Goose | Mother Goose | Goose Green | Egyptian pound | Egyptian hieroglyphs | Canada Goose | goose | Egyptian pyramids | CFB Goose Bay | Goose Bay | Egyptian mythology | Egyptian language | Anglo-Egyptian Sudan | Greylag Goose | Egyptian Vulture | Egyptian Revolution of 2011 | Egyptian Revolution of 1952 | Greater White-fronted Goose | Swan Goose | Father Goose: His Book | Egyptian temple | Egyptian Goose | Ancient Egyptian religion | What's Good for the Goose | Grauman's Egyptian Theatre | Egyptian Navy | Egyptian Military Academy | Egyptian Islamic Jihad | Egyptian Expeditionary Force | Egyptian Army |