The show also aired in the UK on ITV4, and in Australia on 7Two with new narration by Grant Denyer.
Grant Denyer (born 1977), an Australian TV reporter and personality
Ulysses S. Grant | Cary Grant | Amy Grant | Grant Morrison | Hugh Grant | Grant | Lou Grant | Lou Grant (TV series) | Eddy Grant | Second College Grant, New Hampshire | Rob Grant | Grant County | Grant Park | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, New Hampshire | Natalie Grant | land grant | Grant Wood | grant | Elbow Lake, Grant County, Minnesota | Grant (money) | Grant Allen | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant | W. T. Grant | Simon Grant | Grant Denyer | Duncan Grant | Brea Grant | William Grant Still | Madison Grant | Land grant |
Drivers have included former Australian NASCAR champion Kim Jane, actor George Elliot, country music singer Adam Brand, Television host Grant Denyer, driving instructor Gary Baxter, former Waratahs and Australian Sevens Rugby Union player Ben Dunn and former NRL Roosters player Jack Elsegood who is also the 2009 series champion former V8 Supercar drivers, Cameron McConville and Nathan Pretty.