Initially a solo project, Hutchison collaborated with his brother Grant on the band's debut album, Sing the Greys (2006), and recorded the band's critical breakthrough, The Midnight Organ Fight (2008), as a three-piece, following the collapse of a romantic relationship.
Ulysses S. Grant | Cary Grant | Amy Grant | Grant Morrison | Hugh Grant | Grant | Kay Bailey Hutchison | Lou Grant | Lou Grant (TV series) | Eddy Grant | Second College Grant, New Hampshire | Rob Grant | Grant County | Grant Park | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, New Hampshire | Natalie Grant | land grant | Hutchison 3G | Grant Wood | grant | Elbow Lake, Grant County, Minnesota | Hutchison Whampoa | Grant (money) | Grant Allen | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant | Anna Hutchison | W. T. Grant | Simon Grant | Grant Denyer | Duncan Grant |