
unusual facts about Great Power

League of Non-Aligned Worlds

The League appears to be based on the Non-Aligned Movement, which resembles the League in that in its moments of unity it often wields as much power as the Great Powers in United Nations votes.

Pacific blockade

Pacific blockade was a term invented by Hautefeuille, the French writer on international maritime law, to describe a blockade exercised by a great power for the purpose of bringing pressure to bear on a weaker state without actual war.

see also

Albert Muwalo

His close contact with Banda, both as minister in Banda’s office and in the MCP gave him great power and, during the first half of the 1970s he and his relative, the Head of the Police Special Branch Focus Gwede, were heavily involved in the political repression of actual or suspected opponents of the Banda regime.

Barings Asset Management

Philip Ziegler, The Sixth Great Power: Barings 1762-1929 (1988).

C. I. Gunesekera

David Sheppard described him as "a great cricketer who would surely have played Test cricket if he had qualified for another country ... a fine, forcing batsman, driving with great power, and a good leg-spin bowler".

Diocese of Chiusi-Pienza

Ammiato Abbey was built by Ratchis, King of the Lombards, and afterwards rose to great power and influence.

Grand strategy

In the piece, Barry Posen classified himself as a "selective engagement" advocate, with the caveat that the United States should not only act to reduce the likelihood of great power war, but also oppose the rise of a Eurasian hegemon capable of threatening the United States.

Kamo no Chōmei

At the time, the Upper and Lower Kamo Shrines owned large amounts of property around the Kamo River, northeast of the Heian capital (Kyoto), holding great power and pretige among the aristocracy.

Spider-Man: With Great Power

Tony Harris explained that With Great Power takes place in between the two panels in which Amazing Fantasy writer Stan Lee's narration mentions the coming weeks and months that passed, during which Spider-Man used his superhuman abilities to become a celebrity.

Spider-Man: With Great Power is a five-issue comic book limited series from Marvel Comics written by David Lapham and illustrated by Tony Harris, which premiered on January 9, 2008.

The Redeemer

After fighting him off, and discovering that the Bloodmare Stone (An eye from one of the- if not the- last of the Giant Necromunda Spiders) is the source of his great power, Klovis and his band set out deeper into the Underhive to purge the Caller.

Will of the Gods is Great Power

Will of the Gods is Great Power was the debut and only album of the Russian doom metal band Scald.

Zong Ai

Zong Ai (宗愛) (died 452) was a eunuch who briefly came to great power in the Chinese/Xianbei dynasty Northern Wei in 452 after assassinating Emperor Taiwu and making his son Tuoba Yu emperor.