Greatness, being superior, majestic, transcendent, or divine
To prove this thesis Galton collected data showing that genius clusters in what he termed “Notable Family Lines”, such as those of Bernoulli, Cassini, Darwin, Herschel, and Jussieu in science, or Bach in music.
For example, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Descartes, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, and others with IQs in the mid 160s or above were superior in their versatility to those attaining lower scores, such as George Washington, Palestrina, or Philip Sheridan.
Phillips suggests that American greatness in the 20th century was built on oil, much as British greatness in the 19th century was built on coal, and Dutch greatness before that was built on wind and water power.
Most recent clash wins include Guinness Sounds of Greatness 2009 and UK Tag Team Cup Clash 2010 alongside David Rodigan and One Love both sound systems out of Europe.
In July 1909, the theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater chanced upon Krishnamurti on the banks of the Adyar River and allegedly noticed signs of greatness in him.
Brett strives for greatness while working for Computa City (Harvey Norman) during the course of the series, however by the end he is ultimately fired and currently works at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
After her death, when the Rebbe was asked about the extent of the Rebbetzin's greatness, he remarked, "Only Hashem knows."
Epicland's 3rd album, "Bound for Greatness" was released in 2011 and features guest narrator Wes Johnson.
In the poem All'Italia, Leopardi laments the fallen at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC, fought between the Greeks under Leonidas and the Persians under Xerxes), and evokes the greatness of the past.
While coaching basketball, Ron Swanson shows his players what he calls the "Swanson Pyramid of Greatness", a guide to living similar to the "Pyramid of Success" used by John Wooden.
The album's title is a dig at Velvet Crush, who released In the Presence of Greatness the previous year.
Datta, along with Sunil Gangopadhyay, Tarun Sanyal and Satrajit Datta were defense witnesses in the famous trial of Hungryalist poet Malay Roy Choudhury, which shows his greatness, since he did not agree with the Hungryalist school of poetry.
He also wrote and published several articles on greatness of Saiva religion to counter the insulting articles published by Christian clergy at that time in Jaffna and Tamil Nadu.
While the player never meets Lucario, Alakazam tells the player that his goal is to become closer to Lucario's greatness.
Reed is the author of the book The Extra Mile: One Woman's Personal Journey to Ultra-Running Greatness Rodale, Inc. (ISBN 1-59486-415-2).
A good example is the line spoken by Cleopatra in act five of Antony and Cleopatra (1607), when she contemplates her humiliation in Rome at the hands of Octavius Caesar; she imagines mocking theatrical renditions of her own story: "And I shall see some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness in the posture of a whore" (5.2.215-217).
The idea was supported by Adolf Hitler, who planned for such ruins to be a symbol of the greatness of the Third Reich, just as Ancient Greek and Roman ruins were symbolic of those civilisations.
His spiritual greatness commanded the veneration of the Muslim and Hindu rulers of Mysore, Peshwa Madhava Rao and Peshwa Bajirao, Mahadji Sinde, Nizam Ali Khan and the governors of the East India Company.
When unveiling the statue of Edulji Dinshaw, Sir Frederick Sykes, then Governor of Bombay, remarked that 'It is peculiarly appropriate that the city of Karachi should choose Mr Edulji Dinshaw as a fitting subject to be honoured by the erection of a statue in one of the most imposing and important sites in the whole town, for he had the vision to recognise fully the possibilities of greatness that the city held and also contributed very largely himself to developing it.
At Rabbi Ziv’s funeral, his friend and colleague Rabbi Eliezer Gordon, the Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Telz, said that aside from Rabbi Ziv’s greatness in Torah, he had never heard a single word from him that was not related to Torah and to fear of Heaven.
The greatness that was Babylon (1968) is a book by Assyriologist H. W. F. Saggs.
Influential American literary critic Leslie Fiedler contributed a preface, arguing for Hawkes' greatness: "For the sake of art and the truth, Hawkes dissolves the rational universe which we are driven, for the sake of sanity and peace, to manufacture out of the chaos of memory, impression, reflex and fantasy."
Eventually it also came to denote songs of praise-to lift up the voice in thanksgiving-to tell forth and confess his greatness(e.g. Psalms 43:4).