In addition, he has featured at many venues throughout the U.S., including Chicago's Green Mill, The Nuyorican Poets Café in New York City, and throughout central Texas, including the Hip Hop Theater Explosion.
Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | John Stuart Mill | Green | Green Lantern | Green Acres | Al Green | Mill Hill Missionaries | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Green River | Wood Green | Goose Green | Bethnal Green | Seth Green | Green Valley | Green Goblin | Green Giant | U.S. Green Building Council | steel mill | Roland J. Green | Green Party (United States) | Green Party of England and Wales | green |
Fort Green Mill is a tower mill at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England which has been converted to residential accommodation.
Over the years, the Green Mill has appeared in many films, such as Thief (1981), Next of Kin (1989), V. I. Warshawski (1991), Prelude to a Kiss (1992), Folks! (1992), Soul Food (1997) and High Fidelity (2000).
It was renamed Green Mill Gardens a few years later, a nod to the famous Moulin Rouge ("Red Mill") of Paris.
Singer and comedian Joe E. Lewis was attacked by McGurn's men in 1927 after he refused to take his act to the Green Mill.
Featured at major venues throughout the world including the Nuyorican Poets Cafe (New York City), the Bowery Poetry Club (New York City), the Green Mill (Chicago), New Jersey Performing Arts Center (Planet Hip-Hop Festival), the Schiffbau (Zurich, Switzerland), the Rokerij (Amsterdam, Netherlands), the Bienal do Ibirapuera (São Paulo, Brazil), and the NFL Pro Bowl halftime show.