Green Day | Green Party | United States Department of Energy | Green Bay Packers | International Atomic Energy Agency | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Department of Energy | Green | Green Lantern | Green Acres | Al Green | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | United States Atomic Energy Commission | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | renewable energy | Green River | energy | Wood Green | International Energy Agency | Goose Green | Bethnal Green | Seth Green | Green Valley | Green Goblin | Green Giant |
Chelsea Building Society bought the disused land around 2004 and built a second smaller head office to contain its expanding head office operations, which won environmental awards for its use of geothermal heating, green building and "green" credentials.
He was also co-creator and head of the Green Energy Parks initiative, a joint program between the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service and the Department of Energy, which promotes renewable and energy efficient technology throughout the national park system.
Investing time heavily in green energy, battery car technology, support mission of virgin galactic, built by Richard Branson to continue develop manned space shuttle tourism.
Robotics, Communications, Connectors, Amplifiers, Embedded Design, Filters, Power, Test & Measurement, RF and Microwave Design, Touchscreen and Display Technologies, Microcontrollers, Systems and Components in Green Energy generation, Designing with Programmable Logic, Designing with Sensors, Audio, Analog Design, Medical Electronics, Signal Processing
After his retirement he participated in the 2011 World Green Energy Symposium, which was held in October 2011 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Heineken Green Energy took place for the 7th year in 2002, featuring The White Stripes, The Hives, Muse, The Frames, Damien Rice, Bell X1, Mundy.
In 2005 Montecarlo Automobile started the collaboration with FIA/ACI/CSAI in the challenge of car powered by green energy from the street legal ALA 50 powered by Methane and LPG and the Quadrifuel "Carlo Chiti" powered by Methane, Ethanol fuel, LPG and gasoline with which got the podium in the Methane class of FIA Alternative Energies Cup.
In 2009, Tauber hosted The Green Energy Show with Bill Tauber weekly radio talk show on KRLA-870AM Los Angeles.