Gregg shorthand, a system of shorthand named after creator John Robert Gregg
Even with this reduction in the number of brief forms, one could still reach speeds upward of 150 WPM.
Gregg Allman | Gregg Alexander | Shorthand | shorthand | Gregg Zaun | Gregg Williams | Gregg Bendian | Gregg Araki | Andrew Gregg Curtin | Virginia Gregg | Pitman shorthand | Gregg Fulkerson | Gregg | Allan Gregg | Josiah Gregg | Gregg Wallace | Gregg Vanzo | Gregg Rolie | Gregg Mayles | Gregg Marx | Gregg Jakobson | Gregg Barnes | Forrest Gregg | Chris Gregg | Alan Gregg | Thomas Gregg | Richard Gregg | Pitman Shorthand | Paul Gregg | Norman Gregg |