The last years of his life he suffered tuberculosis; for an attempt of operative surgery he went to Berlin to the Charité as one of the first patients of Ferdinand Sauerbruch when using the iron lung there.
Nadina Abarth-Žerjav (née Žerjav) (March 5, 1912, Görz (Gorizia) – September 17, 2000, Ljubljana) was the daughter of the Slovene politician and lawyer minister Gregor Žerjav and his wife, Milena née Lavrenčič.
Gregor Schlierenzauer | Gregor Piatigorsky | Gregor Mendel | Gregor Schneider | Jozsef Gregor | Gregor Wentzel | Gregor Gysi | Nora Gregor | Gregor Ziemer | Gregor MacGregor | Gregor Benko | Gregor Žerjav | Gregor Kiczales | Gregor Gall | Gregor Edmunds | Gregor Collins | Francis Gregor (MP) | Francis Gregor | Clan Gregor | A. James Gregor | Johan Gregor van der Schardt | Gregor Strniša | Gregor Schoeler | Gregor Rajh | Gregor McGregor | Gregor Jordan | Gregor Fisken |