
unusual facts about Gregor Wentzel

Pocono Conference

New participants were Niels Bohr, Aage Bohr, Paul Dirac, Walter Heitler, Eugene Wigner and Gregor Wentzel; while Kramers, MacInnes, Nordsieck, Pauling and Van Vleck who were at the Shelter Island Conference were absent.

Shape resonance

This quantum interference in many body system has been described using quantum mechanics by Gregor Wentzel, for the interpretation of the Auger effect, by Ettore Majorana for the dissociation processes and quasi bound states, by Ugo Fano for the atomic auto-ionization states in the continuum of helium atomic spectrum and by Victor Frederick Weisskopf.

William Houlder Zachariasen

Zachariasen, with the support of the physics department faculty, brought Enrico Fermi, Edward Teller, Robert F. Christy, Walter H. Zinn, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Gregor Wentzel, and other distinguished physicists to the University of Chicago as professors of physics.

see also