
19 unusual facts about Groucho Marx

Chuck Dressen

Dressen himself appeared on the Groucho Marx quiz program, You Bet Your Life, and predicted that the Senators would finish in the first division (fourth place or higher).

Coffee with... Biographies

Some titles include "Coffee With Marilyn"(Marilyn Monroe), "Coffee With Groucho" (Groucho Marx), "Coffee With The Buddha", "Coffee With Hemingway" (Ernest Hemingway), and many more selections.

David Ansen

Ansen has also written several documentaries for television, on Greta Garbo (for TNT), Groucho Marx (HBO), Elizabeth Taylor (PBS) and the Ace Award winning All About Bette (Bette Davis) for TNT.

Dear Ruth

Krasna based the family in the play on that of Groucho Marx, who was a good friend and occasional collaborator.

Dudley J. LeBlanc

LeBlanc humorously recounted his French-language campaigning, as a contestant on Groucho Marx's NBC television quiz show, You Bet Your Life.

Faith TV

And among the family programs that have aired are Nanna's Cottage, You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx, Dusty's Trail with Bob Denver (Gilligan's Island) and the Adam and Eve Factor Christian marriage series.

Ford Vega

Celebrities such as Groucho Marx and Howard Hughes were offered private viewings of the Vega by invitation of Henry Ford II.

If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me

"If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body ..." derived its double entendre title from a Groucho Marx line.

International Foundation for Civil Liberties

On the eve of the 2006 meeting of G8 Club of industrial nations in St. Petersburg, IFCL launched mocking advertisements depicting Vladimir Putin as Groucho Marx.

Jim Ferrier

In June 1954, Ferrier appeared on the television game show You Bet Your Life hosted by Groucho Marx, of Marx Brothers fame.

John D. Barrow

Here, he quotes Groucho Marx: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member".

Johnny Bassett

The ice was finally broken when Moore did an imitation of Groucho Marx in the restaurant where they met.

Juan Pinilla

Pinilla, while highlighting such great flamenco aficionado, is also a great fan of literature and the arts, a motif that has been incorporated for the first time flamenco figures like Groucho Marx, Nietzsche, Francisco Umbral, Mikel Laboa, Atahualpa Yupanky or Chavela Vargas

Jussi Adler-Olsen

Carl Valdemar Jussi Henry Adler-Olsen (born August 2, 1950) is a Danish author who, after following several different courses of study and engaging in various professions, embarked on his literary career with two books about Groucho Marx in 1984.

Kyra Petrovskaya Wayne

After nine years of marriage, she and her husband divorced, and Kyra moved to Los Angeles, where she became a contestant on Groucho Marx’s show You Bet Your Life.

Miriam Marx

Miriam Marx (born May 19, 1927) is an author and the daughter of Groucho Marx, and his first wife, Ruth Johnson.

Pittsfield, New Hampshire

The town claimed the Guinness World Record in July, 2001, as the place where the most number of people wore Groucho Marx glasses at the same time (522).

Public nuisance

In the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup, Groucho Marx plays the president of the mythical land of Freedonia.

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate, as 'bicarbonate of soda', was a frequent source of punch lines for Groucho Marx in Marx brothers movies.

A. L. Erlanger

According to Groucho Marx, when Erlanger approached Gen. Lew Wallace about acquiring the stage rights to his epic novel Ben-Hur, Wallace asked him fiercely, "Do you believe in our lord, Jesus Christ?"

Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre

The program included such events as an adaptation of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, starring Jason Robards (from the novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn); The Seven Little Foys, starring Mickey Rooney, Eddie Foy Jr. and the Osmond Brothers; Think Pretty, a musical starring Fred Astaire and Barrie Chase and Groucho Marx in "Time for Elizabeth", a televised adaptation of a play that Marx and Norman Krasna wrote in 1948.

Bruce Stark

It combined actual voices with his animated caricatures of Jack Benny, George Burns, Phyllis Diller, George Jessel, Jack E. Leonard, Groucho Marx, the Smothers Brothers, Flip Wilson and Henny Youngman.

Charlotte Chandler

Charlotte Chandler (the pen name of Lyn Erhard) is an American biographer and playwright who has written biographies of Groucho Marx, Federico Fellini, Billy Wilder, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock.

Edward Rafeedie

During his tenure on the Superior Court, Rafeedie presided over several high-profile civil cases, including the contested conservatorship of Groucho Marx, the Britt Ekland and Rod Stewart palimony trial and part of the Bob Dylan divorce case.

Israel Shenker

Among the notable figures he interviewed over the years were Jorge Luis Borges, Noam Chomsky, M. C. Escher, John Kenneth Galbraith, Marcel Marceau, Groucho Marx, Vladimir Nabokov, S. J. Perelman, Picasso, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

John Guedel

John Guedel, (Oct. 9, 1913, Portland, Indiana – Dec. 14, 2001, Los Angeles, California) was a radio and television producer who co-created and produced Art Linkletter's and Groucho Marx's most important and successful broadcast properties, including You Bet Your Life and People Are Funny.

Morris Ernst

Besides politicians, he also was friendly with many cultural icons, such as Edna Ferber, E. B. White, Groucho Marx, Compton Mackenzie, Al Capp, Charles Addams, Grandma Moses, Heywood Broun, and Margaret Bourke-White.