
unusual facts about Reinhard Marx

Reinhard Marx

Born in Geseke, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cardinal Marx was ordained to the priesthood, for the Archdiocese of Paderborn, by Archbishop Johannes Joachim Degenhardt on 2 June 1979.

Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa

The other cardinals are Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Vatican City State governorate; Oswald Gracias from India; Reinhard Marx from Germany; Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya from the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Seán Patrick O'Malley from the United States; George Pell from Australia; and Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga from Honduras.

Freising Bishops' Conference

The bishops of these dioceses meet since 1867 twice a year at the Freising cathedral hill, its leader, the Archbishop of Munich and Freising (since 2008 Archbishop Reinhard Marx); Substitute is the Metropolitan of the northern Bavarian ecclesiastical province of Bamberg (since 2002 Archbishop Ludwig Schick).

see also