
unusual facts about Guadagnini


Andrew Dawes

He was first violinist of the Orford String Quartet from 1965 to 1995 and plays a J.B.Guadagnini violin crafted in Parma in 1770.


Parish Church of San Salvatore (Duomo), the seventeenth-century structure located in the center of the country, with frescoes by Antonio Guadagnini.

Chi Mei Museum

The museum also collects valuable violins, including 5 Antonio Stradivaris, 2 Guarneri del Gesu, Nicolo Amati, Jacob Stainer, Amati, Rogeri, Joseph Guarneri Filius Andrea, Seraphin, Gagliano and Guadagnini.

Leandro Bisiach

He used a large number of diverse models but principally those of Stradivari Amatise and other models of Guarneri, Balestrieri, Guadagnini, Gagliano, Enrico and Giovanni Battista Ceruti or other violin makers from Veneto in the 18th century.

Quintetto Chigiano

The Quintet had the use of the four best instruments from Count Chigi-Saracini's private collection, namely a Camillo Camilli and a Guadagnini violin, an Amati viola and a Stradivarius violoncello.

see also