The plot of Caballero and Caballero rey (as in many other stories of Rodríguez Alcalá) is that Velasco abandons the struggle of the Paraguayan War and its immediate consequences.
Because you would understand that Paraguay didn’t want to stay without its Chaco, neither Brazil wanted that a territory like the Chaco was given away to Argentina just like that, because back then, the Argentines reached Brazil until Mato Grosso and that could damage them.
Alcalá de Henares | Robert Rodriguez | Guido Reni | Alex Rodriguez | Iván Rodríguez | José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero | Paul Rodriguez | Omar Rodríguez-López | Silvio Rodríguez | Alfredo Alcala | University of Alcalá | Pedro Rodríguez | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez | John Rodriguez | Guido Westerwelle | Guido Aleati | Felix Rodriguez | Carrie Rodriguez | Spain Rodriguez | Narciso Rodriguez | Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli | Félix Rodríguez (Central Intelligence Agency) | Alcalá | Tito Rodríguez | Roberto Rodríguez | Pedro Rodríguez (racing driver) | Marcos A. Rodriguez | Lolita Rodriguez | Lalo Rodríguez | Johnny Rodriguez |