
10 unusual facts about Guido Reni

Guido Reni

Reni in this painting allies himself more with the sterner Cavaliere d'Arpino, Lanfranco, and Albani "School" of mytho-historic painting, and less with the more crowded frescoes characteristic of Pietro da Cortona.

Hendrick ter Brugghen

Other Italian painters who had an influence on Ter Brugghen during his stay in Italy were Annibale Carracci, Domenichino and Guido Reni.

His Eminence

(Portrait of Roman Catholic Cardinal Bernardino Spada by Guido Reni, c. 1631.)

Jan Reynst

After his death the Roman statues and Italian paintings by Barocci, Bassano, Bellini, Paris Bordone, Pordenone, Palma Vecchio Giorgione, Lorenzo Lotto, Parmigianino, Guido Reni, Giulio Romano, Tintoretto, Titian, Andrea Schiavone, Perugino, Antonello da Messina and Paolo Veronese were shipped to his brother in Amsterdam.

John Fillian

Very few of his engravings exist, notably a portrait of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, published by P. Stent in 1658, a good work; a portrait of his master, Faithorne, from a drawing by himself; a copy of J. Payne's portrait of Paracelsus; ‘Dr. Michael,’ after Guido Reni; and the frontispiece to P. Heylyn's ‘Cosmography,’ published in 1669.

Leonor de Almeida Portugal, 4th Marquise of Alorna

She often sent her works back to Portugal, most notably a painting entitled Soledade, to her father, and An Alegory of Conjugal Love, to Princess Benedita, wife of José, Prince of Brazil, and a copy of a painting by Guido Reni, to Queen Maria I.

Richard Earlom

Among his historical and figure subjects are Agrippina, after Benjamin West; Love in Bondage, after Guido Reni; the Royal Academy, the Embassy of Hyderbeck to meet Lord Cornwallis, Colonel Mordant's Cock Fight and a Tiger Hunt, all after Johan Zoffany, and Lord Heathfield, after Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Robert E. L. Rainey

Rainey signed his works "Reni", a play on the name of Italian Baroque painter Guido Reni.

Rossie Priory

The estate contains a notable collection of art, but some paintings it owned by the likes of Rembrandt and Guido Reni were sold off in the 1980s.

Timothy Stansfeld Engleheart

He engraved some of the plates in ‘The British Museum Marbles,’ but seems to have removed to Darmstadt, as there is a fine engraving by him of ‘Ecce Homo,’ after Guido Reni, executed at Darmstadt in 1840.

Belisario Corenzio

They also claim that when Guido Reni came in 1621 to Naples to paint in the Chapel of San Gennaro in the cathedral of the Naples Cathedral, Corenzio suborned an assassin to take his life.


The Church and the convent gallery contain works by Luca Giordano, José de Ribera, Guido Reni, Francesco Solimena, Sassoferrato, Andrea Sabbatini, Francanzano, Beinaschi, and other artists.

Johann Burger

His further works include “Lady Macbeth” (1858), after Cornelius; three plates illustrating scenes from the life of Saint Bonifacius, after Hess; and “Aurora” (1887), after Guido Reni.

Johann Eleazar Zeissig

Schenau copied the works of the old masters such as Antonio da Correggio, Guido Reni and Titian, and acquired the patronage of the Saxon ambassador, General Fontenay.

San Pietro, Perugia

Other works of art include works by Ventura Salimbeni, Eusebio da San Giorgio, Orazio Alfani, copies after Perugino, Girolamo Danti (sacristy, 1574), Giovanni Lanfranco, Mino da Fiesole (a marble with Young Jesus, St. John the Baptist and St. Hyeronimus, in the Vibi Chapel), a Jesus in the Orchard attributed to Guido Reni, two grand canvas by Giorgio Vasari, and a Pietà of Sebastiano dal Piombo's school.