Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the secretary of home affairs and prominent member of Louis XIV’s royal court, set out to develop the resource base of the nation and to develop a system of infrastructure that could restore the French economy and to supply income for the profuse expenses incurred by Louis XIV.
The map is centered on the interior of what would later become the continental United States and the Mississippi, and it spans the area from the bottom of Lake Superior in the north to the point at which the Rio Grande meets the Gulf of Mexico in the south; the map also extends eastward from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast.
These became the basis, when fitted into the overall geographical frame provided by the maps of the French geographer Guillaume Delisle.
Guillaume Apollinaire | Guillaume Dufay | Guillaume Brahimi | Guillaume de Machaut | Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes | Robert Guillaume | Guillaume | Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte | Guillaume Thomas François Raynal | Guillaume Lejean | Arnaud Guillaume de Barbazan | Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count D'Orsay | Pierre Guillaume | Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc | Léopold Victor Delisle | Jean Guillaume Bruguière | Jean Guillaume Audinet-Serville | Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume | Guy Delisle | Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer | Guillaume Grandidier | Guillaume Dupuytren | Guillaume Dubois | Guillaume du Bellay | Guillaume Depardieu | Guillaume de Nogaret | Guillaume Dasquié | Guillaume Couillard | Guillaume Canet | Guillaume Bigot |