
3 unusual facts about Guillermo Estévez Boero


Guillermo Estévez Boero (1930–2000), Argentine student activist, lawyer and Socialist politician (PSP)

Guillermo Estévez Boero

The PSP took part in union- and student-led resistance against the dictatorship, such as the general strike called by the "Brasil" faction of the General Confederation of Labour in 1979, the 1981 Saint Cajetan's Day demonstration, and the demonstration of 30 March 1982 organized by the "Brasil" faction of the General Confederation of Labour .

Infamous Decade

In 1942, Minister Solano Lima signed a release of the prisoners, whose names were cleared by a 1993 law upheld by Socialist deputy Guillermo Estévez Boero.

Luis Jiménez de Asúa

Among his disciples was Guillermo Estévez Boero, who would be a president of the Argentine University Federation and then national representative of the Socialist Party of Argentina.

see also