
unusual facts about Gulf of Maine

Gulf of Maine

The waters of the Gulf of Maine system, particularly at the boundary with the Bay of Fundy are also home to the summering grounds for many different whale species, most notably the highly endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.

Amphiporus lactifloreus

This worm is found round the coasts of north west Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Maine and Cobscook Bay.

Buccinum ciliatum

This species is distributed in the cold waters around the Arctic, the North West Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, Canada and the Gulf of Maine.

Hediste diversicolor

It is also found in the north-west Atlantic in the area of Cobscook Bay, the Gulf of Maine and the Gulf of St Lawrence.

Helgoland Habitat

The UWL was used in the waters of the North and Baltic Seas and, in 1975, on Jeffreys Ledge, in the Gulf of Maine along the coast of New England in the USA.

Idotea balthica

Idotea balthica has a broad geographical distribution, having been recorded from the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone, Great Britain, Cobscook Bay, Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, European waters, Greek Exclusive Economic Zone, Gulf of Maine, Knokke, North West Atlantic, Red Sea, Voordelta, West Coast of Norway, Wimereux and the Black Sea.

Josef Schneider, Sr.

The Schneider family is planning on building additional capacity in North America, including the first windpark located in the Gulf of Maine on Goodwins Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

York Beach, Maine

The York Beach area consists of Long Sands and Short Sands beaches on the Atlantic Ocean in the Gulf of Maine.

see also

A. limosus

Amnicola limosus, the mud amnicola, an aquatic snail species found in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and along the Gulf of Maine