
unusual facts about Gwladys


Saint Gwladys ferch Brychan or St Gladys (Latin-Claudia), daughter of King Brychan of Brycheiniog, was the queen of the saint-king Gwynllyw Milwr and the mother of Cadoc "the Wise", whose vita may be the earliest saint's life to mention Arthur.

Benjamin Newhall Johnson

That spring he traveled to England and on behalf of the city of Lynn and by the appointment of Lynn Mayor Ralph S. Bauer, he arranged a visit with Marchioness Gwladys Townshend, the mayor of King's Lynn.


The De Situ Brecheniauc lists: Meleri, Hunydd, Gwladys, Ceingar, Tudglid, Nyfain, Gwawr, Marchell, Lluan, Gwrygon Goddeu, Arianwen, Bethan, Ceinwen (Keyne), Cerddych, Clydai, Cynheiddon (identified with Saint Endelienta), Dwynwen, Eiliwedd, Goleudydd, Gwen, Lludd, Tudful, Tudwystl and Tybie.

The Life of St. Cadoc by Lifris (c. 1100) portrays Brychan fighting Arthur, Cai and Bedivere because of King Gwynllyw of Gwynllwg's abduction of his daughter St. Gwladys from his court in Talgarth.

Gwladys Evan Morris

Gwladys Evan Morris wrote Tales from Bernard Shaw, which was first published in 1929 by George G. Harrap and Co. of London, and was printed by H & J Pillans & Wilson of Edinburgh.

Iona Banks

She played Mrs. Roberts in Our Day Out (1977), Mrs Roberts in Part 2 of Willy Russell's 1983 TV series One Summer and barmaid Gwladys Lake in the Welsh television soap opera Pobol y Cwm.


In the 1930s, the inn was owned by Gwladys and Maxwell Knight, a spy-ring leader and radio broadcaster upon whom Ian Fleming based the character of James Bond's boss, M.

see also