The title is the subject of Willie Colón and Héctor Lavoe (originally sung by him) from the album "Lo Mato (Si No Compra Este LP)" 1973.
While it was widely believed that the death of singer Héctor Lavoe in June 1993 influenced her, Payán in an interview with the New York Times said that it was an encounter with a man who she liked that helped her make this important decision.
Hector Berlioz | Hector | Hector Elizondo | Héctor López | Charles Hector, comte d'Estaing | Jamie Hector | Hector Guimard | Wayne Hector | HMS ''Hector'' | Hector Munro, 8th of Novar | Héctor Lavoe | Héctor Fernando Ramírez | Sir Hector Munro | J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur | James Hector | HMS Hector | Hector Zazou | Hector Xavier Monsegur | Héctor Suárez | Hector Roy Maclean | Hector Plasm | Hector Pieterson | Héctor Olivera | Hector Og Maclean, 13th Chief | Hector Og Maclean | Hector, New York | Hector Macpherson, Jr. | Hector Maclean, 2nd Laird of Torloisk | Hector John | Hector Hatch |
"Mi Gente" is a cover of Hector Lavoe's song by Marc Anthony for the movie El Cantante as he plays Lavoe himself.