A December 29, 1975 TIME cover story named her as one of the world's "living saints" in a list that included Mother Teresa, Schwester Selma, Dom Hélder Câmara, and Father Matta El Meskeen.
Lantana camara | Den Helder | Hélder Câmara | Willemsoord, Den Helder | Hélder Reis | Ben Camara | Moussa Dadis Camara | Luís da Câmara Cascudo | Lassana Camará | John Helder Wedge | Joana Tomásia da Câmara | Hélder Macedo | Helder Antunes | Câmara Municipal | Anne-Marie Helder |
One of the representatives of Brazil at the Second Vatican Council, with the Archbishop Hélder Câmara, he was one of the founders of the Brazilian Christian Democracy.