
unusual facts about H index

H index

Herfindahl index, a measure of the quantity and competition of firms in an industry

see also

Claes-Göran Granqvist

In August 2011, Science Citation Index shows that his h-index is 54; the number of citations to his papers is 14214.

Lyesse Laloui

Professor Laloui has over 250 publications including 136 papers listed in ISI Science Citation Index with an h-index factor of 19.


A 2010 paper by Cyril Labbe from Grenoble University demonstrated the vulnerability of h-index calculations based on Google Scholar output by feeding it a large set of SCIgen-generated documents that were citing each other (effectively an academic link farm).

Van C. Mow

According to the Google Scholar, his papers has been cited 25,611 times and has an h-index of 90 as of April 19, 2013.