Heintzichthys gouldii, an extinct placoderm fish species that lived what is now Europe and North America during the Late Devonian
Vertigo gouldii | Myobatrachus gouldii | Heintzichthys gouldii | Donax gouldii |
Donax gouldii, the bean clam, a species found on the Pacific coast of North America
Myobatrachus gouldii, the turtle frog, a frog species found in Western Australia
Tellina gouldii, Hanley, 1846, the cuneate tellin, a marine bivalve species in the genus Tellina
Thyasira gouldii, Philippi, 1845, a bivalve species in the genus Thyasira and the family Thyasiridae
Vertigo gouldii, the variable vertigo, an air-breathing land snail species