Myobatrachus gouldii, the turtle frog, a frog species found in Western Australia
Vertigo gouldii | Myobatrachus gouldii | Heintzichthys gouldii | Donax gouldii |
Donax gouldii, the bean clam, a species found on the Pacific coast of North America
Heintzichthys gouldii, an extinct placoderm fish species that lived what is now Europe and North America during the Late Devonian
Tellina gouldii, Hanley, 1846, the cuneate tellin, a marine bivalve species in the genus Tellina
Thyasira gouldii, Philippi, 1845, a bivalve species in the genus Thyasira and the family Thyasiridae
Vertigo gouldii, the variable vertigo, an air-breathing land snail species