
unusual facts about HNoMS ''Norge''

Aage Skavlan

He was given a royal scholarship in 1877 to conduct studies at the University of Copenhagen and Lund University, and in 1878 he published his first book Historiske Billeder fra den nyere Tid i Danmark, Norge og tildels Sverige.

Battle of Gratangen

Sinking the outdated Norwegian coastal defence ships Norge and Eidsvold with great loss of life and bluffing the Norwegian land forces into surrender.

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson

The Norwegian coastal defence ship HNoMS Norge was sent to convey his remains back to his own land.

Bodega Band

In this period the Bodega band also toured to Reykjavík (1978), performed at Moldejazz (1977) and at the "Festspillene i Nord-Norge" (1973).


HNoMS Olav Tryggvason, a Royal Norwegian Navy ship captured by the Germans in World War II and renamed Brummer

Fredrik Kayser

The two had been transported to Masfjorden from the UK on the Royal Norwegian Navy submarine chaser HNoMS Vigra with orders to establish Bjørn West.

Haakon Lie

Lie initiated Operation donor funds for construction of Israeli settlement called "Moshav Norge" (Change to Yanuv) in memory of 28 children crashes in Hurum air disaster.

Harald Berntsen

Statsministerkuppet: Gerhardsen mot Nygaardsvold: en politisk thriller om maktkampen i mai–junidagene 1945 som skulle endre Norge (2006)

Jahn Teigen

Prima Vera had a number of hits, including such classics as Så lykkelig i Sverige ('So happy in Sweden', a version of The Turtles' So happy together) Det er Norge som er bra and De gærne har det godt.

Jill Lajdziak

Her experience includes a position with Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, a Norwegian subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine.

Leif Larsen

The commanders of these three vessels were required to be commissioned officers and Larsen became the captain of the HNoMS Vigra.

Midtbyen, Trondheim

The central area of Midtbyen is dominated by financial institutions, including the corporate headquarters of Sparebanken Midt-Norge, BNbank and Fokus Bank.

Nils Ivar Agøy

His thesis Militæretaten og "den indre fiende" fra 1905 til 1940. Hemmelige sikkerhetsstyrker i Norge sett i et skandinavisk perspektiv explored the military precautions against "inner enemies"—defined as revolutionary segments—between the 1905 Norwegian independence and the Second World War, against a Scandinavian backdrop.

Norge Luis Vera

Norge Luis Vera Peralta (born October 3, 1971 in Siboney, Santiago de Cuba Province, Cuba) is a right-handed baseball pitcher, who has been a frequent member of the Cuban national baseball team.

Norge, Virginia

Other landmarks in Norge include the former Doll Factory, the former Williamsburg Soap and Candle Factory, Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Norge Train Depot, which was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2009.

Operation Alphabet

Hauge, Andreas (1995) Kampene i Norge 1940 (Sandefjord: Krigshistorisk Forlag) ISBN 82-993369-0-2 Norwegian

Reisehaandbog over Norge

Reisehaandbog over Norge is a Norwegian travel guide book first published in 1879 by Yngvar Nielsen.

Roy Nielsen

Operation Derby initially focused on black propaganda directed towards German soldiers, but they also issued the undercover magazine Fritt Land, and distributed the bi-weekly magazine Håndslag (produced in Sweden) and the monthly magazine Det frie Norge (from the Norwegian government in London).

Russell Owen

That year he covered the air race to the North Pole, flying with Roald Amundsen (airship Norge) as far as Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard and meeting Richard Evelyn Byrd there.

Sigurd Frisvold

Having served as head of Forsvarskommando Sør-Norge (the Southern Norway Defence Command) Frisvold succeeded Arne Solli as Chief of Defence of Norway on 30 April 1999.

Turid Balke

Throughout the years she would appear in classic Norwegian films such as Støv på hjernen, (1959), its sequels Sønner av Norge and Sønner av Norge kjøper bil, and other popular titles like Olsenbanden for full musikk (1976) and Kamilla og tyven (1988).

see also