
10 unusual facts about Habilitation

Alois Walde

In 1895, he was awarded his Habilitation and became a Professor in 1904 at the University of Innsbruck.

August Siegrist

He was habilitated in ophthalmology at Basel in 1900, and became professor of ophthalmology and director of the eye clinic of the University of Bern from 1903 to 1935.

Edwin C. Kemble

In 1925, Born and Werner Heisenberg, who got his doctorate from Sommerfeld in 1923 and completed his Habilitation under Born in 1924, introduced the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.

Karl Krumbacher

In 1883 he gain his doctorate (Promotion) and in 1885 his Habilitation in Medieval and Modern Greek philology.

Max Imdahl

He worked as an assistant professor at the University of Münster for some years and wrote his Habilitationsschrift on Ottonian Art in 1961.

Paul Morawitz

In 1907 he completed a disseration on blood circulation (for his Habilitation), and he was appointed in the same year as chief clinician of the University clinic at Freiburg im Breisgau.

Paul Zweifel

In 1871, he received the venia legendi at the University of Strassburg, where he had already become an assistant in the gynecological institute.

Rudolf Ladenburg

After completion of his Habilitation, Ladenburg became a Privatdozent at Breslau and in 1921 an ausserordentlicher Professor (extraordinarius professor) there.

Sigmund Rascher

A Habilitation which was to be based on his research failed, however, at Munich, Marburg, and Frankfurt, due to the formal requirement that results be made available for public scrutiny.

Walter Künneth

After his official Habilitation in Berlin in 1930, he held private lectures in Theology and Apologetics.

Andreas Kaplan

Furthermore, Professor Kaplan did his Habilitation (French post-doctoral qualification for Ph.D. supervisor) at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University.

August Cramer

In 1889 be began work at a mental asylum in Eberswalde, and in 1895 received his habilitation in psychiatry at the University of Göttingen, where he subsequently became a professor and director of the psychiatric clinic.

Birgit Krawietz

After having finished her habilitation with Professor Joseph van Ess she left for the United States to work at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and for the Islamic Studies Program at Harvard Law School.

Cyril Buffet

In 2009, he acquired a higher doctorate (Habilitation) at the University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Doktor nauk

The German Habilitation and, to some extent, the French "habilitation à diriger des recherches" (HDR) are comparable to it, as are the British higher doctorates (e.g. Doctor of Science), although the last-mentioned are not required for career advancement.

Élisabeth Roudinesco

She next defended her "habilitation à diriger des recherches" (H.D.R – the French accreditation needed to supervise doctoral dissertations) in 1991 with Michelle Perrot as supervisor and Alain Corbin, Dominique Lecourt, Jean-Claude Passeron, Robert Castel, and Serge Leclaire as members of the examining committee.

Erwin Kreyszig

Prior to joining Carleton University in 1984, he held positions at Stanford University (1954/55), the University of Ottawa (1955/56), Ohio State University (1956–60, professor 1957) and he completed his habilitation at the University of Mainz.

Franz S. Exner

The largest influence on his training was Viktor von Lang for his habilitation one year later with a work entitled "over diffusion by liquid lamellas."

Franz Schausberger

In 1996 he habilitated at the University of Salzburg with a habilitation treatise about the agitation of the nazis in Austrian Landtage.

Friedrich Paneth

After his habilitation in 1913 he became assistant of Otto Hönigschmid at the University of Prague.

Fritz T. Epstein

He undertook his Habilitationschrift at the University of Hamburg, under Richard Salomon, from 1926 to 1931, and Frankfurt University from 1932 to 1933, on the International Relations of the Soviet Union and the Allied Intervention in the post-revolutionary period of civil war of 1917-1921.

Gerd Kaminski

He has been head of the Boltzmann institute for Chinese and southeast Asian research in Vienna since his habilitation in 1978.

Guido Rings

After the completion of first degrees in Spanish, German and History (1st Staatsexamen) and PGCE equivalents in these subject areas (2nd Staatsexamen), Guido Rings received his PhD in Spanish Philology and his postdoctoral degree (Habilitation) from the University of Trier in 1996 and 2005.

Hans Kelsen

While still in Austria, Kelsen entered the debate on the versions of Public Law prevailing in his time by engaging the predominating opinions of Jellinek and Gerber in his 1911 Habilitation dissertation (see description above).

Hans Robert Schöler

In 1994, he obtained his habilitation at the Biological Faculty of the Heidelberg University.

Hermann Volk

In 1943 Volk obtained his habilitation in dogmatic theology from the University of Münster, with a work entitled: Emil Brunners Lehre von dem Sinder.

Janusz Jasiński

He was habilitated in 1982 at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń on the basis of his work on national identity and consciousness in 19th century Warmia ("Świadomość narodowa na Warmii w XIX wieku").

Janusz Leon Wiśniewski

Wiśniewski holds a Master in Physics and Master in Economics, both qualifications obtained from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, PhD in Information Technology from Warsaw University of Technology and Habilitation in Chemistry from the Technical University of Łódź.

Johannes Platschek

In 1993, he began his legal studies at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (first state legal examination, 1998; second state legal examination, 2000; doctorate in 2003, summa cum laude); starting in 2004, he worked as a postdoctoral assistant at the University of Munich's Leopold Wenger Institute for Legal History, where he finished his habilitation in 2009 (in Roman Law, Civil Law, Ancient Legal History, and the history of private law in modern times).

John Tolan

He was born in Milwaukee and received a BA in Classics from Yale (1981), an MA (1986) and a PhD (1990) in History from the University of Chicago, and an Habilitation à diriger des recherches from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (2001).

Józef Stala

After studies at the Warsaw Theological Academy (now: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw he earned at May 15, 1995 the Licentiate, at June 8, 1998 the Doctorate and in 2005 the Habilitation with his book: "Katecheza o małżeństwie i rodzinie w Polsce po Soborze Watykańskim II." (Religious education in the Families in Poland after the Second Vatican Council) at the Pontifical University of John Paul II.

Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Jessen

He received his habilitation in Berlin in 1851, afterwards teaching classes at the University of Greifswald, and during the same time period, giving lectures at the agricultural college in Eldena.

Karl Rohn

The subject of his doctoral thesis and habilitation was the Kummer surfaces of order 4 and their relationship with hyperelliptic functions (with

Lambert Heinrich von Babo

In the following year he began studying chemistry under Justus von Liebig at Gießen receiving his habilitation in 1845 from Freiburg im Breisgau.

Margarete von Wrangell

In 1920 she completed her Habilitation at the Agricultural University of Hohenheim with a dissertation on Uptake of Phosphoric Acid and Soil Reactions.

Otto von Fürth

He worked at the University of Vienna, the University of Prague and the University of Straßburg where received his habilitation in medical chemistry in 1899.


Imanuel Geiss: Panafrikanismus. Zur Geschichte der Dekolonisation. Habilitation, EVA, Frankfurt am Main, 1968, English as: The Pan-African Movement, London: Methuen, 1974, ISBN 0-416-16710-1 and as: The Pan-African Movement. A history of Pan-Africanism in America, Europe and Africa, New York: Africana Publ.

Paul Ramdohr

His Habilitation was completed soon thereafter under the direction of W. Bruhns on the topic of the Gabbros in the area of Böllstein/Brombachtal.

Pavel Kroupa

Afterwards Kroupa worked until 2000 in astronomical research groups at Heidelberg University and at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, before he went to the University of Kiel and earned his Habilitation there.

Paweł Horodecki

Paweł Horodecki was educated in Poland, receiving an M.Sc from the University of Gdańsk (1995), and a Ph.D (with honours) from the Gdańsk University of Technology (1999), and a habilitation (with honours) from the University of Gdańsk (2004).

Portland Habilitation Center Northwest

In 2008, PHCNW was rebranded as Portland Habilitation Center Northwest to more accurately convey its extent of services throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Public participation

The Convention makes participation of disabled one of its principles, stating "The principles of the present Convention shall be:...Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;", subsequently enshrining the right of disabled to participate fully and equally in the community, education, all aspect of life (in the context of habilitation and rehabilitation), political and public life, cultural life, leisure and sports.

Saadi Lahlou

Serge Moscovici, and his HDR (habilitation as a research director) at University of Provence with Pr.

Siegfried Blechert

After a research stay with Professor Pierre Potier in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in 1981, he finished his habilitation at the University of Hannover in 1982 and there became lecturer in organic chemistry.

Thomas Heberer

He was then appointed research fellow at the Institute of Geography of the University of Bremen and conducted a research project on the private economic sector in China funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, which was followed by his habilitation (post-doctoral degree) thesis on the role of the individual (“informal”) economic sector for urban and social development.

University of Altdorf

The polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), perhaps most famous for co-discovering calculus, received his Ph.D. from the University of Altdorf for his habilitation thesis in philosophy, On the Art of Combinations.

Vittorio Mibelli

In 1888 he gained his habilitation, spending the following year in Hamburg, working with dermatologist Paul Gerson Unna (1850–1929).

Zbigniew Gołąb

His research includes a study of the Macedonian dialects of Suho and Visoka (published in Makedonski jazik), his habilitation on Balkan conditionals (Cracow, 1964), a monograph on the Arumanian dialect of Krushevo (MANU, 1984), and his last book: The Origins of the Slavs: A Linguist's View (Columbus, 1992).