At the age of 18, he made an educational trip through Denmark and Germany, after which, in 1874, he settled as a tailor in Haderslev in Northern Schleswig.
# Barvidsyssel: Tyrstrup Herred, Gram Herred (östliche Hälfte), Rangstrup Herreder und Haderslev Herred
At the end of the 16th century the Danish King, Christian IV, planned construction of a ship in Haderslev, but with the fjord being sanded up, he instead chose Aarøsund as the site of construction.
In the following years, Queen Margaret acquired large parts of Schleswig as security (Tønder fief, Frisland, episcopal manors in Svabsted and Stubbe) and by purchase (Trøjborg, Skinkelborg and Grødersby); King Erik took over Haderslev fief as security from the fiefholder Helene Ahlefeldt, and the queen, Flensborg.
When Hans the Elder was proclaimed duke of Slesvig and Holstein (today Southern Jutland and Northern Germany), he took up residence in Haderslevhus, which now, in 1544, was an old, and worn-out building.
Gottorp ducal share in Holstein and Schleswig, partitioned from ducal Holstein in 1544, acquired half of Haderslev share in 1580 (thus thereafter simply called ducal share), merged into the royal share in 1773 with its ruler receiving in return the prior Danish-held County of Oldenburg.
Jonas Lorenzen Raun (born 22 August 1989 in Haderslev, Denmark) is an internationalspeedway racer, formerly with the Belle Vue Aces in the British Elite League.
Aarhus, Silkeborg, Billund, Randers, Kolding, Horsens, Vejle, Fredericia, Haderslev along with a number of smaller towns make up the East Jutland metropolitan area.