
2 unusual facts about Hagfish


Hagfish have also been observed actively hunting the red bandfish, Cepola haastii, in its burrow, possibly using their slime to suffocate the fish before grasping it with their dental plates and dragging it from the burrow.

In December 2007, an article was published by the University of Queensland claiming that the hagfish's eye, which lacks both lens and extrinsic musculature, is significant to the evolution of more complex eyes.

Dragon Street Records

The first major bands to be released through Dragon Street were The Bat Mastersons, Hagfish, The Nixons, and Tripping Daisy.

Pacific hagfish

Chris Glovet, at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, tested his theory by putting skin samples of the hagfish in between nutrient rich seawater and a solution similar to the hagfish's body fluids.

Southern hagfish

The Southern hagfish is found in the cold waters of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean from the coasts off Southwestern Brazil down to the Southern Ocean and the Tierra del Fuego and the Patagonian coasts of Chile and Argentina, including the Strait of Magellan.

see also