
3 unusual facts about Han Bennink

Han Bennink

In 1963 he formed a quartet with pianist Misha Mengelberg and saxophonist Piet Noordijk which had a number of different bassists and which played at the 1966 Newport Jazz Festival, and in 1967 he was a co-founder of the Instant Composers Pool with Mengelberg and Willem Breuker, which sponsored Dutch avant garde performances.

John Korsrud

He appeared with musicians such as George Lewis, Butch Morris, Barry Guy, Kenny Wheeler, Han Bennink, the NOW Orchestra, the Vancouver Ensemble of Jazz Improvisation and the Duke Ellington Orchestra (under the direction of Paul Ellington).

Punk jazz

Dutch anarcho-punk group the Ex also incorporated elements of free jazz and particularly European free improvisation, eventually collaborating with Han Bennink.

Michiel Braam

He worked also with musicians like George Lewis, Benjamin Herman, Han Bennink, Conny and Hannes Bauer and Steve Argüelles.

see also