
8 unusual facts about Hangu


Today the Baizai Bangashes inhabit most of Kurram Valley, Paktia, Paktika, Khost and rural Kohat, Hangu parts of the city limits where most government installations, institutions and commercial centers have been built on their lands.

Hangu, Neamț

The village is located in the valley of Hangu river and it surrounded by the peaks of Mountain Stânişoara: Muntele Hangu westwards, Boboteni village and Muncelu Peak in the north, the Audia village and the Malu Peak eastwards.

Situated in an area of the Lake Izvorul Muntelui also called "Little Switzerland," it is a mixture of modern and archaic culture.

Hangu is near Lake Izvorul Muntelui (also known as Bicaz Lake), an artificial lake used to generate hydroelectricity.

Hangu, Pakistan

On 22 August 2008, sixteen militants (including two Chechens) were killed by Pakistani security forces in a skirmish at Hangu when security forces opened fire on their explosive-laden vehicle at a security checkpoint.

"Hangu" is also the name of a place in China, and since many Chinese travelers have passed through the area for centuries, it's possible that travelers, like Hiuen Tsang, saw some similarities with their own region and thus named it Hangu.

Miranzai Valley

East of Hangu there are numerous smaller valleys; west of Hangu, consisting of all of the upper portion of the valley, there is a broad and open plain, bare of trees.


Due to limited resources and fertile land, many Orakzai have settled in Pakistan's major urban centres such as Hangu, Thall, Parachinar, Tirah, Peshawar, Attock, (Nowshera-Amangarh) Islamabad,Battagram-Allai, Wazirabad, Lahore, Abbottabad and Karachi.


Starting from November 2009, Binhai New Area was consolidated into a district, and the former subordinate districts of Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang were abolished.

Miranzai Valley

The Miranzai Valley, also Hangu, is a mountainous valley situated in the Kohat and Hangu districts in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan.

see also