
5 unusual facts about Harris Salleh

Double Six Crash

In the afternoon following the accident, Deputy Chief Minister Harris Salleh was sworn in as the sixth Chief Minister of Sabah was United Sabah National Organization (USNO) secretary-general quit the party and teamed up with United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) originally founded by the first Chief Minister of Sabah, Tun Fuad Stephens in August 1961 to create a new party called BERJAYA In 1975.

Joseph Pairin Kitingan

He was elected a Member of the Sabah Legislative Assembly for the Tambunan electorate in 1976 under the BERJAYA party ticket, a party which was led by Harris Salleh (Chief Minister 1976-1985) and was appointed as a Minister in the cabinet of the ruling party.

Project IC

This party was more multiracial in its composition of member, but was headed by Muslim leaders such as Harris Salleh.

Tun Fuad Stephens

Later that same year, Tun Fuad Stephens together with Harris Salleh formed the new political party BERJAYA.

United Sabah National Organization

In 1975, USNO's secretary-general Harris Salleh quit the party and teamed up with UPKO to create a new party called BERJAYA.

see also