Harry Lee Anstead (born 1939), Justice of the Florida Supreme Court from 1994 to 2009
Prior to his appointment to the Florida Supreme Court by Governor Lawton Chiles, Anstead served as a judge on Florida's Fourth District Court of Appeals from 1977 to 1994.
His term on that court was cut short when Governor Crist quickly elevated Labarga to the Florida Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Harry Lee Anstead.
Harry Potter | Robert E. Lee | Harry S. Truman | Spike Lee | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Harry Belafonte | Christopher Lee | Harry Turtledove | Lee | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Debbie Harry | Lee Strasberg | Harry Reid | Harry Nilsson | Stewart Lee | Rickie Lee Jones | Prince Harry | Lee Marvin | Lee Greenwood | Harry Houdini |