
5 unusual facts about Harvest of Shame

Faces of Freedom

It revisits Edward R. Murrow’s Harvest of Shame, filmed 40 years ago, and reveals that little has changed over the past 4 decades in the lives of migrant farm workers in America.

Harvest of Hope Foundation

The plight of migrant farmworkers was first documented in the 1960 documentary Harvest of Shame presented by CBS news anchor Edward R. Murrow.

Harvest of Shame

Harvest of Shame was a 1960 television documentary presented by broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow on CBS that showed the plight of American migrant agricultural workers.

After Murrow joined the National Security Council as a propagandist, his position did lead to an embarrassing incident shortly after taking the job, when he asked the BBC not to show Harvest of Shame, in order to not damage the European view of the USA, however the BBC refused as they had bought the programme in good faith.

Office of Migrant Education

The Office of Migrant Education was created out of a response from the public out-cry resulting from Edward R. Murrow's 1960 documentary "Harvest of Shame." This documentary described the deplorable working conditions and interrupted educational experiences of many migrant children.

see also

13th Primetime Emmy Awards

Fred W. Friendly, David Lowe, Edward R. Murrow for CBS Reports, (Episode: "Harvest of Shame"), (CBS)