
unusual facts about Harvey E. Schlesinger

Harvey E. Schlesinger

Schlesinger was an instructor at John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, Georgia from 1967 to 1968 and corporate counsel for Seaboard Coast Line Railroad in Jacksonville, Florida from 1968 to 1970.

Arthur Schlesinger

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. (1888–1965), American historian and professor at Harvard University

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (1917–2007), his son, American historian, social critic and former John F. Kennedy associate

Cyclical theory

The cyclical theory refers to a model used by historian Arthur Schlesinger to attempt to explicate the fluctuations in politics throughout American History.

Eleanor Flexner

When she showed the completed book to the historian Arthur Schlesinger, he recognized its value and urged her to offer it to Harvard University Press, which readily accepted it for publication.

Eric P. Schwartz

At the Council on Foreign Relations, he directed the Independent Task Force on Post-Conflict Iraq, working closely with co-chairs Thomas R. Pickering and James R. Schlesinger.

Harvey Brown

Harvey E. Brown, Jr. (1836–1889), American military officer and army surgeon

Harvey E. Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Johnson was the former Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Harvey Johnson

Harvey E. Johnson, Jr., retired US Vice Admiral and C.O.O. of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Lightweight Fighter program

To reflect this new, more serious intent to procure a new aircraft, along with its reorientation toward a fighter-bomber design, the LWF program was rolled into a new Air Combat Fighter (ACF) competition in an announcement by U.S. Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger in April 1974.

Richard L. Wright

After completing his work on the White House energy task force, he joined the staff of the newly created Department of Energy and Secretary James R. Schlesinger, working on the National Energy Act legislative package that the President had sent to Congress.

Schlesinger v. Holtzman

It involves Elizabeth Holtzman and several air force officers against James R. Schlesinger, the Secretary of Defense.

Vital Center

The term The Vital Center was first coined by Harvard historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in his 1949 book of that title.

W. R. Davies

Speakers presented during the Davies years included John Mason Brown, Margaret Bourke-White, Bennett Cerf, Norman Cousins, Bernard DeVoto, Sinclair Lewis, Wayne Morse, Carl Rowan, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., and Dorothy Thompson.

William H. Schlesinger

William H. Schlesinger (b. April 30, 1950) is a biogeochemist and the president of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, an independent not-for-profit environmental research organization in Millbrook, New York.

see also