The Babylonian names of Makhir, Hasdai, Sheshet and Shealtiel are the names of chief rabbis and leaders - Nasi (considered by the Jewish tradition as descendents of king David) of the Jewish center.
Hasdai Crescas, Jewish philosopher and a renowned halakhist (teacher of Jewish law)
Hasdai ibn Shaprut (born c. 915; died 970 or 990), Jewish physician, diplomat, and patron of science
Hasdai ben Hezekiah, son of Hezekiah ben Solomon, thus the 9th Karaite exilarch of the line of Anan ben David
Hasdai Crescas | Hasdai ibn Shaprut | Hasdai ben Hezekiah | Hasdai |
Menahem was a native of Tortosa, and went, apparently at an early age, to Cordoba, where he found a patron in Isaac ben Ezra ibn Shaprut, the father of the subsequent statesman Hasdai ibn Shaprut.