The French fleet was sent filled with provisioneses to help the defenders in the Siege of Tortosa, but the squadron of the Duke of Albuquerque, knowing the enemy's plans, intercepted the French by surprise, achieving a complete victory.
Their religious teachers, as well as others in the east, (most notably, al-Ghazali in Persia and al-Tartushi in Egypt, who was himself an Iberian by birth from Tortosa), detested the taifa rulers for their religious indifference.
Barthélémy de Maraclée was Lord of Maraclea, also known as Khrab Marqiya, a small coastal Crusader town and a castle in the Levant, between Tortosa and Baniyas (Buluniyas).
The Battle of Dertosa, also known as the Battle of Ibera, was fought in the spring of 215 BC on the south bank of the Ebro River across from the town of Dertosa.
Its prefecture was in Lleida and its subprefectures were Tortosa, Cervera and Tarragona and its only prefect was Alban de Villeneuve-Bargemont, who had previously been auditor to the Council of State and sub prefect of Zierickzée (a subprefecture of the department of Bouches-de-l'Escaut).
(Other dialectal forms do exist, among them characteristic forms of minor extreme dialects like Ribagorçan or Algherese, or transitional forms between major dialects, like the ones used in the lower Ebre basin area around Tortosa or in the Empordà).
In August 2007 archaeologists brought to light the remains of some of the city walls, dating from the 7th century B.C near to the city of Tortosa.
Hug de Llupià i Bages (Roussillon, ? - ?, 1427), was bishop of Tortosa, bishop of Valencia, and a Catalan writer in Latin language.
He came earlier to Spain as a Colonel of a Walloon Regiment financed by Imperial Spain, to fight in the Spanish War of Succession in 1703, the siege of Gibraltar (1704–1707), participating also in the siege of Tortosa, Tarragona, in 1711, where he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.
He was Hadhemar, count of Narbonne, who in 809 and 810 was one of the leaders sent by Louis against Tortosa.
Bernat de Gualbes sat on the council which decided the Compromise of Caspe and Melchior was the messenger who, in a rapid journey of seven hours, brought the news of the Compromise to the Parliament convened at Tortosa.
As they were passing through the town of Traigueras (under the jurisdiction of Tortosa in the Principate of Catalonia), a furious storm descended upon them.
Musher also imported bulk olive oil, and built warehouses in Genoa, Tortosa, Barcelona, Malaga and Baltimore.
After visiting the Jordan River and the Dead Sea he left Palestine by the coast road, retracing his steps to Acre and passing on by Tripoli and Tortosa into Cilicia.
Shem-Ṭob ben Isaac of Tortosa (born at Tortosa 1196) was a Provençal rabbi and physician.
The siege of Tortosa was narrated by the Genovese chronicler and diplomat Caffaro.
Tortosa |
Before his twentieth birthday, he joined the Spanish army as a volunteer in Havana, he fought in Flanders, Seville and Tortosa, and saved the life of King, in a war in Villaviciosa, Asturias.
By 1425, the renowned Magaravank – originally the Coptic monastery of Saint Makarios near Halevga (Pentadhaktylos region) – came under Armenian possession, as did sometime before 1504 the Benedictine/Carthusian nunnery of Notre Dame de Tyre or Tortosa (Sourp Asdvadzadzin) in walled Nicosia; many of its nuns had been of Armenian origin (such as princess Fimie, daughter of the Armenian King Hayton II).
Once back at the Puig, James I received a message from Zayyan offering all the castles from the Turia River to Tortosa and Teruel, the construction of a lavish palace for the king in Saïda Province and the payment of ten thousand besantes annually in return for James' promise to abandon his attack of the capital.
It was in the 12th century that the foundations were laid for the establishment of a stable population centre here at the southern gateway to the Camp de Tarragona, well connected to El Camino Real (the Royal Road) that linked Tortosa and Tarragona.
#Willem van Enckevoirt, bishop of Tortosa and datary of His Holiness – cardinal-priest of SS.
Sixteen galleys combining the forces of Cyprus with those of the Templars and Hospitallers, and accompanied by Ghazan's ambassador Isol the Pisan, were able to raid Rosetta, Alexandria, Acre, Tortosa and Maraclea.
The Irish hispanist, Ian Gibson, has called García Tortosa «Spain's leading expert on Joyce», while considering his translation of Ulysses, in collaboration with María Luisa Venegas, as «prodigious».
Maraclea, also known as Khrab Marqiya or Maraqîya, was a small coastal Crusader town and a castle in the Levant, between Tortosa and Baniyas (Buluniyas).
Menahem was a native of Tortosa, and went, apparently at an early age, to Cordoba, where he found a patron in Isaac ben Ezra ibn Shaprut, the father of the subsequent statesman Hasdai ibn Shaprut.
Arwad, a small waterless island off the coast of Tortosa, Syria