Hatch Up Your Troubles is a 1949 one-reel animated cartoon made in 1948 and is the 41st Tom and Jerry short produced by Fred Quimby and directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, with musical supervision by Scott Bradley and animation by Ed Barge, Ray Patterson, Irven Spence and Kenneth Muse.
Orrin Hatch | William Hatch | Brands Hatch | The Troubles | the Troubles | Time of Troubles | Mike Hatch | Tony Hatch | John Hatch | Coney Hatch | Kelvedon Hatch | Colney Hatch | Sidney Hatch | Paul Hatch | Mini Hatch | Hector Hatch | Hatch, Utah | Hatch Act of 1939 | Hatch | Harry C. Hatch | Edward Hatch | David Hatch | Wilbur Hatch | West Hatch | Vermont Hatch | Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag | Pack Up Your Troubles | Mary Hatch | Liam Hatch | Israel T. Hatch |