
unusual facts about Heinrich Schliemann

Gods, Graves and Scholars

It gives brief, informative biographies of archaeologists like Heinrich Schliemann, Jean-François Champollion, Paul-Émile Botta, and Howard Carter, among others.

Paul MacKendrick

Starting with the Troy and Heinrich Schliemann's excavations, the reader is told of accounts of excavations of major centers of the Hellenic world, including the story of Michael Ventris' decipherment of Linear B.

Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt

One of the maps made by Thomas Spratt known as "Spratt's Map" was used by archaeologists Heinrich Schliemann, Wilhelm Dorpfeld, and Carl Blegen, which contributed to the discovery of Troy, because the name Troy with a question mark was added by a German professor of classical antiquities working with Spratt over the spot of the real Troy.

see also