
9 unusual facts about Heinrich von Kleist


In Germany, Heinrich von Kleist's Amphitryon (1807) remains the most frequently performed version of the myth, with Kleist using Alkmene's inability to distinguish between Jupiter and her husband to explore metaphysical issues; Giselher Klebe wrote in 1961 his opera Alkmene based on this play.

Battle of Fehrbellin

The Battle of Fehrbellin is the setting of Heinrich von Kleist's drama The Prince of Homburg written in 1809-10.

Ewald von Kleist

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin (1922-2013), son of Count Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin; another conspirator in the July 20 bomb plot

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin

Kleist was born on the family's manor Gut Schmenzin at Schmenzin (Smęcino) near Köslin (now Koszalin, Poland) in Pomerania.

In recognition of his services to strengthening transatlantic ties, Kleist was awarded the US Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service in 1991.

Heinrich von Kleist

The Earthquake in Chile (Das Erdbeben in Chili) and St. Cecilia, or the Power of Music (Die heilige Cäcilie oder die Gewalt der Musik) are also fine examples of Kleist's story telling as is The Marquise of O (Die Marquise von O.).

Konzerthaus Berlin

Notable premieres at the theatre during this period included Penthesilea by Heinrich von Kleist in 1876, and The Assumption of Hannele by Gerhart Hauptmann in 1893.

Reading Like a Writer

Using examples from the works of Heinrich von Kleist and Jane Austen, Prose discusses how writers can develop characterization.


Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin (1922-2013), German resistance fighter and publisher

Andrea Eckert

Her roles have included the eponymous heroines in Hebbel's Judith, Schiller's Maria Stuart, Jelinek's Clara S., Sophocles's Elektra, Kleist's Penthesilea, and Maria Callas in Terrence McNally's Meisterklasse (Master Class).

Destiny, or The Attraction of Affinities

The narrative explicitly evokes Kleist’s Michael Kohlhaas and Caspar David Friedrich’s Chalk Cliffs on Rügen, while tracing the evolution of a cultural identity inescapably overshadowed by a political history of perennial trauma.


Among those who have such tombs of honor in Berlin are Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bertolt Brecht, Wilhelm Busch, Theodor Fontane, Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Georg Ludwig Hartig, Heinrich von Kleist, Hildegard Knef, Otto Lilienthal, Herbert Marcuse Felix Mendelssohn, Marg Moll Helmut Newton, Ernst Reuter, Joachim Ringelnatz, Heinrich Zille and Arnold Zweig.

Felix Draeseke

Other orchestral works by Draeseke include the Serenade in F major (1888), its companion of the same year, the symphonic prelude after Kleist's Penthesilea.

Hélène Cixous

In addition to Derrida and Joyce, she has written monographs on the work of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, on Maurice Blanchot, Franz Kafka, Heinrich von Kleist, Michel de Montaigne, Ingeborg Bachmann, Thomas Bernhard, and the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva.

Maria Kuryluk

She kept writing poetry, made notes about Heinrich von Kleist and began a novel about her family, disguised as the family of Lena and Robert Buch.

see also