
11 unusual facts about Helmand Province

Ahmed Wali Karzai

Before the 2009 Afghan presidential election, Wali Karzai and Sher Mohammad Akhundzada, former governor of the Helmand Province and a member of the Upper House of the Afghan parliament, were accused of vote rigging.

AnnaMaria Cardinalli

Independent of her more public musical career, Cardinalli's previous employers include the FBI and the Joint Special Operations Command, as well as the U.S. Marine Corps, working in Helmand Province, Afghanistan while serving on a Human Terrain Team.

Charlie Knaggs

He was deployed with his battalion to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, shortly thereafter as part of the NATO force providing security.

Chris Budgen

Budgen is also the only Premiership player to have ever juggled a career as an active soldier and Professional Rugby player, Budgen is stationed on Salisbury Plain and has also seen action in Helmand Province.


The Marines of HMH-461 Det A continued to support the assault support and heavy lift requirements of the 24th MEU operating in the volatile Helmand Province of Afghanistan until they all returned home safely in November 2008.


In June 2009, HMH-772 (-) (REIN) part of MAG-40 moved to Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province to begin supporting operations in the region.

Loretta Reynolds

She deployed the Group to Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan from March 2010 to March 2011, where the Group supported the efforts of I MEF FWD/Regional Command Southwest in Helmand Province.

M4 carbine

While only 100 troops were asked, they fought at least a dozen intense engagements in Helmand Province, where the ground is covered in fine powdered sand (called "moon dust" by troops) that can stick to firearms.

Mirwais Hospital

According to a report by The Senlis Council, not only people from Kandahar province are treated at Mirwais Hospital but also from neighboring Helmand, Zabul, Oruzgan and others.

The Patrol

The Patrol is a 2013 British action drama film set in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2006.


In September 2012, while VMA-211 was deployed to Camp Bastion, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, the Taliban attacked and destroyed several of the squadron's Harrier aircraft.

Arron Perry

This record was, in its turn, broken when, using an Accuracy International L115A3, British Corporal Craig Harrison killed two Taliban with consecutive shots at a distance of 2.47 kilometres (8120 ft) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in November 2009.

Boghra Irrigation Canal

The Boghra Irrigation Canal is a man-made canal some 155 kilometres long in central Afghanistan in Helmand Province, serving to divert water from the Helmand River and the Arghandab for farmland.

Khanashin District

Reg (Khanashin) District is situated in the southeastern part of Helmand Province, Afghanistan along the Helmand River on its western bank.

Lashkar Gah

The Bost Agricultural university was registered with the Ministry of Higher Education in 2007, and was inaugurated by former governor of Helmand Province, Assadullah Wafa.

Project Reality

All of the maps in PR are new, including some based on real life locations, such as Basrah, Beirut, Fallujah, Karbala, Kufra, Mestia, Muttrah, the Korengal Valley, Helmand Province, the Gaza Strip, Vadsø, and some based on generic fictional locations in the Middle East, East Asia, and around the Black Sea.