
16 unusual facts about Pichincha Province

Abelardo Montalvo

Montalvo was a member of the Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party for which he became a deputy and later senator for Pichincha Province.

Aiphanes chiribogensis

It is known from Pichincha Province in northwestern Ecuador, and was collected from Azuay Province in southwestern Ecuador 1943 but the area where it was collected has suffered extensive deforestation, and attempts to find it again in that area have been unsuccessful.

Andean Siskin

The nominate subspecies occurs in coastal mountains of northern Aragua in north Venezuela, the Andes of westerm Venezuela, through the Serranía del Perijá and the eastern Andes in Colombia south to Valle, Putumayo, Nariño and Pichincha Province in Ecuador.

Bomarea goniocaulon

It is endemic to Ecuador, where it has been collected only three times in the Pichincha Province.

Diego Herrera

Diego Rodrigo Herrera Larrea (born April 20, 1969 in Pichincha, Ecuador) is a retired footballer from Ecuador.

Ecuadorian Football Federation

Numerous amateur federations sprouted in the provinces with the largest cities, being Pichincha, and Guayas.

By the 1950s Guayas, and Pichincha, left behind amateur, and became professional 1951, and 1953 respectfully.

Leonardo Cárdenas

He was member of bands like Juvenil from Pichincha and Quito Metropolitan Symphonic Band as a keyboardist, composer and arranger.


Lloa is a rural parish of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador.

Monjas River

Monjas River ("Rio Monjas"; translation: Nun River) is located in Pichincha Province, Ecuador.


Pambamarca (alternate, Pimbamarca) is an eroded stratovolcano in the Central Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes in the northeast of the Pichincha province of Ecuador.

Prostitution in Ecuador

According to a recent government study, the main destination provinces for human trafficking include Pichincha, Guayas, Esmeraldas and Manabi; Ecuadorian women are also trafficked to Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and Western Europe for commercial sexual exploitation.

Rafael Pérez Pareja

He was military chief of the province of Pichincha, only to be interim president of Ecuador as a member of pentavirato who ruled the country between October 15 and November 23, 1883, along with Pablo Herrera, Luis Cordero, Pedro Lizarzaburu and Agustin Guerrero.

Restrepia dodsonii

Restrepia dodsonii, commonly called the Dodson's Restrepia, is a species of orchid endemic to Ecuador (Pichincha).

San Antonio de Pichincha

San Antonio de Pichincha, or simply San Antonio, also but less frequently known by its older name San Antonio de Lulumpamba (alternate spelling: Lulumbamba), is a rural parish of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador.

Uchu Jacu

originating from the Cayambe region in the northern part of the Ecuadorian province of Pichincha.

Armenia, Ecuador

Armenia is a neighborhood located in the San Rafael urban parish of the Rumiñahui canton in the Pichincha Province, Ecuador.


MetrobusQ or Sistema MetrobusQ (the name is short for Metrobús (de) Quito) is a bus rapid transit system managed by the Empresa Metropolitana de Servicios y Administración del Transporte (EMSAT), the transportation agency of the municipality of the city of Quito, Pichincha Province, Ecuador.


Puengasí is a hill towards the southeast of the center of the city of Quito, Pichincha Province, Ecuador, across Machángara River, and southeast of Itchimbía.