On 15 November 2011, during Portugal's Euro 2012 playoff home fixture against Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was announced that Martins' three-year-old son Gustavo suffered from a rare bone marrow condition, needing an urgent transplant.
Georges Mathé, a French oncologist, performed the first European bone marrow transplant in 1959 on five Yugoslavian nuclear workers whose own marrow had been damaged by irradiation caused by a Criticality accident at the Vinča Nuclear Institute, but all of these transplants were rejected.
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, a medical procedure involving transplantation of bone marrow or other blood-forming cells.
The fraternity's national philanthropy raises awareness for the importance of bone marrow drives.
In August 2008 Šutej was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia and later underwent chemotherapy treatment and a bone marrow transplantation procedure at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
Cell nucleus | Soft Cell | Cell biology | Cell | cell | cell (biology) | B-cell activating factor | Cell (journal) | Cell (biology) | T cell | STEM fields | STEM | Organ transplantation | cell membrane | Mesenchymal stem cell | Cell membrane | stem | Plant stem | Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation | cell culture | Cell Biology | The Plant Cell | Solar cell | Photoreceptor cell | Kidney transplantation | fuel cell | Corneal transplantation | Cell (Dragon Ball) | X-Cell | White blood cell |