
4 unusual facts about Cell membrane


The basic assumption of the model is that life should fundamentally and essentially have three properties: metabolism, self-replication, and a bilipid membrane.

Congenital distal spinal muscular atrophy

The TRPV4 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 4) gene, located on chromosome 12, encodes for a protein that serves as an ion channel, typically found in the plasma membrane and is permeable to Ca2+.

Ubiquitin interacting motif

Yeast VPS27 vacuolar sorting protein, which is required for membrane traffic to the vacuole.

Willmore energy

Cell membranes tend to position themselves so as to minimize Willmore energy.

Entry inhibitor

# The penetration of the cell membrane by gp41, which approximates the membrane of HIV and the T cell and promotes their fusion

Nutrient sensing

Receptors on the cell membrane's surface designed to be activated in the presence of specific fuel molecules communicate to the cell nucleus via a means of cascading interactions.

Patatin-like phospholipase

Patatin is a storage protein but it also has the enzymatic activity of phospholipase, catalysing the cleavage of fatty acids from membrane lipids.

Plasmonic nanoparticles

Within that range, quantitative information on the EGFR density in the cell membrane can be retrieved based on the shift in resonant frequency of the plasmonic particles.

Rudolf Podgornik

His field of research is the physics of soft matter, the physics of coulomb fluids and macromolecular interactions, the Lifshitz theory of dispersion interaction, the physics of membranes, polymers and polyelectrolytes and especially the physics of DNA and viruses.

Secretory protein

This sequence is recognised by a cytosolic protein, SRP (Signal Recognition Particle), which stops the translation and aids in the transport of the mRNA-ribosome complex to an SRP receptor found in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum.

see also

Beta dispersion

Beta dispersion is the phenomenon associated with the ability of a biological cell membrane to filter out low frequency currents and allow high frequency currents to pass through.


After translocation, CagA localises to the inner surface of the cell membrane and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation by Src family kinases (e.g. Fyn and Lyn).


The interaction between GAB2 and Grb2 at the cell membrane recruits another adaptor protein, the Src homology domain-containing transforming protein 1 (SHC1), before being able to recruit SH2 domain containing molecules.


The phosphate group of glucose-6-phosphate is removed by the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase, which is not present in myocytes, and the free glucose exits the cell via GLUT2 facilitated diffusion channels in the hepatocyte cell membrane.

Insulin signal transduction pathway and regulation of blood glucose

The closure of the Potassium channels causes Depolarization of the cell membrane causing the cell membrane to stretch which causes the voltage-gated Calcium channel on the membrane to open causing an influx of Ca2+ ions.


The close interaction between the bacterium and the host cell membrane is thought to depend on Ezrin, a member of the ERM family of membrane-associated proteins.


Cell surface receptor, a receptor on the outer surface of a cell membrane, that takes part in communication between the cell and the outside world