
5 unusual facts about Henri Wallon

Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville

Henri Wallon, Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris (1880-1882)

Ernest Lavisse

In 1865 he obtained a fellowship in history, and in 1875 became a doctor of letters; he was appointed maître de conférence (1876) at the École Normale Supérieure, succeeding Fustel de Coulanges, and then professor of modern history at the Sorbonne (1888), in the place of Henri Wallon.

Henri Wallon

Henri-Alexandre Wallon (1812–1904), French historian and statesman, grandfather of the following

Jules Armand Dufaure

Henri Wallon – Minister of Public Instruction, Fine Arts, and Worship

René Zazzo

After obtaining a Doctorate of Letters in the Sorbonne (1933-1933), on the advice of Meyerson and of Henri Wallon, he obtained a grant to study in the laboratory of Gesell at Yale University, where he specialized in child psychology.

see also